Our Motto: KISSAS (Keep It Simple, Smart And Sustainable)
Promo 2016 - Thursday October 2, 2016
From November 1st to November 30th, 2016, the PROMO 2016 will be open at
Bouendeu CleanTech. Each participant will be receiving a discount of 35% on the
promo products. To participate click here
Ontario FIT Program - Monday, September 05, 2016
In August 30, 2016 the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) has posted
the the new FIT/mocroFIT tariff which will be effective in January 1, 2017 The new
FIT/microFIT price schedule is available here.
Bouendeu CleanTech’s Website - Thursday, September 05, 2015
in December 3rd, 2015 we launched our eStore and updated our website contents.
Now our distributors, customers and visitors can get product price directly from our
eStore, place order and pay directly from our eStore
Design & Supply Eco-Lighting & Clean Energy Solutions