Our Motto: KISSAS (Keep It Simple, Smart And Sustainable)
Bouendeu CleanTech Inc. is a designer and supplier of clean technological products. Our incorporation is driven by the three main poles of the
human activities. We are committed to the efficient and strategic use of scientific and engineering methods to design and supply eco-friendly
products and systems to solve societal concerns under ethical, ecological, humanitarian and economical considerations. Our clean products and
services are in the areas of renewable energies, eco-lighting, clean storage systems, clean air and water systems and associated educational
and metrological tools.
Our Core Values
Bouendeu CleanTech’s core values are:
Innovation in its product and service portfolio
Social Responsability, that means have an overall positive impact on society
Integrity which means highest level of ethical considerations
Integration of ecological, humanitarian and economic component in business.
Our Purposes
Bouendeu CleanTech’s core purposes are to:
Provide better life quality through innovative engineered solutions
Help to align with mother nature through Sciences and Technologies.
Our Visionary Goal
Bouendeu CleanTech’s visionary goal is to make clean technological
products, solutions and services available to everyone in the world.
Our Tools
Bouendeu CleanTech’s tool is the intelligent combination of scientific and engineering
method to design and supply clean products and systems.
Our Motto
Bouendeu CleanTech’motto is KISSAS which means Keep It Simple, Smart And Sustainable.
Design & Supply Eco-Lighting & Clean Energy Solutions
Our driving force